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Communication skills training

In today’s competitive business world and difficult economic situation, effective communication skills training is more essential than ever before. It is the foundation on which companies and managers’ careers are built and a crucial component of success in business. What is more, today’s communication mostly is practiced in English. Whether it’s a face-to-face or phone conversation and a professionally written e-mail exchange, a meaningful message or an important report entails establishing a connection that leaves a powerful impression. There are no any business relationships without professional communication.

Szkolenie na zlecenie

Cele i korzyści

Goals of the course:

Every participant of the course will learn how to:

  • Apply diplomacy and tact to be a credible and effective communicator
  • Manage the impact his/her communications have on your image
  • Define and leverage his/her communication style
  • Develop and demonstrate better listening skills
  • Understand the importance of perceptions
  • Explore communication style differences and learn to flex his/her own style
  • Recognize the impact of stress on communications and be able to adjust for it
  • Know what makes effective, powerful communication and develop the skills to model it

Program szkolenia

General Idea:

In today’s competitive business world and difficult economic situation, effective communication skills training is more essential than ever before. It is the foundation on which companies and managers’ careers are built and a crucial component of success in business. What is more, today’s communication mostly is practiced in English.

Whether it’s a face-to-face or phone conversation and a professionally written e-mail exchange, a meaningful message or an important report entails establishing a connection that leaves a powerful impression. There are no any business relationships without professional communication.

1. Communication Style Differences

  • Knowing how style impacts the image others have of you
  • Flexing a style to communicate with more diplomacy, tact and credibility
  • Flexing a style to gender, generation and position
  • Recognizing how stress impacts how one uses his/her style traits
  • English as a language of the global business – general rules on successful business communication with our partners

2. Effective and Powerful Communication

  • Identifying and removing the roadblocks to effective communication
  • Knowing how to positively impact the visual, verbal and vocal components of communication
  • Implementing strategies for powerful communications and practicing them
  • Understanding nonverbal communication as a critical part of the communication process

3. Effective Listening Skills

  • Applying good listening skills in order to communicate with diplomacy, tact and credibility
  • Identifying the barriers and obstacles to effective listening
  • Using good listening skills to build and improve your image
  • Knowing how ineffective listening can cost you and the organization

4. How to write professional e-mails

  • Formal and informal emails
  • Use of abbreviations and colloquial phrases
  • Writing and replying to enquiries
  • Making and confirming arrangements

5. How to write professional reports and letters

  • Preparing a report – analysis what makes a report effective
  • Making notes for report
  • The body of report – linking your ideas and building effective paragraphs
  • Writing business letters, offers, minutes, formal and informal agendas

6. Phoning

  • Beginning and ending a call
  • Communication problems: responding to problems, dealing with speakers who are difficult to understand
  • Making appointments and arrangements by phone
  • Telephone conferences: presenting information and expressing opinions

7. Improving English in written documents

  • Selecting the elements appropriate for each type of document
  • Describing the importance of knowing your audience
  • Defining and applying the qualities of a good paragraph—emphasis, unity, coherence, and variety
  • Applying basic parts of sentences—subjects and predicates for better style
  • Applying basic principles of English grammar, usage, and vocabulary
  • Using correct punctuation, capitalization, abbreviations and number formats
Program szkolenia stanowi prawnie chronioną własność intelektualną, a jego przetwarzanie, rozpowszechnianie lub korzystanie z niego bez wiedzy i zgody autora jest zabronione.

Metody szkoleniowe

  • Short lectures introducing topics
  • Individual tests for self-assessment
  • Case studies analysis
  • Round table discussions
  • Role’s play


Who Should Attend

Business professionals who want the skills to communicate in a positive, professional manner no matter what the situation.

Cena i zapisy

Szkolenie na zamówienie


Sprawdź, co zyskujesz

Mnóstwo korzyści
First Minute
30 dni wcześniej zarezerwuj miejsce na szkolenie otwarte na, dzięki temu automatycznie otrzymasz rabat: 50zł
Im więcej, tym taniej
Firmy i instytucje wysyłające więcej niż jedną osobę na szkolenie otwarte, mogą liczyć na niższe ceny. Sprawdź promocyjne ceny na naszej stronie.
Zrób prezent swojemu klientowi, zaproś dostawcę, partnera biznesowego i budujcie wspólnie swoja przewagę konkurencyjną na prestiżowych szkoleniach.

Certyfikat ukończenia

Po zakończeniu szkolenia każdy z Uczestników otrzymuje imienny certyfikat potwierdzający nabyte umiejętności zgodnie z wdrożoną procedurą: PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 DEKRA

Odpowiemy na wszystkie Twoje pytania! Podnieś kwalifikacje!

Prosimy o pozostawienie swojego numeru telefonu oraz emaila, a skontaktujemy się niezwłocznie.

    Jeśli wypełniłeś/aś formularz kontaktowy, oznacza to, że jesteś zainteresowany/a naszą ofertą i oczekujesz kontaktu z nami. Zanim przekażesz nam swoje dane osobowe, zapoznaj się z informacjami na temat sposobu ich przetwarzania. Chcielibyśmy przetwarzać Twoje dane, aby móc przekazywać Ci informacje na temat naszych usług.

    Najczęściej zadawane pytania dotyczące szkolenia

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