Przejdź do treści
  • Oferta
  • Logistyka, transport, spedycja

INCOTERMS®2020 – szkolenie w języku angielskim. International Commercial Rules. Legal and Logistical Aspects.

A characteristic features of the modern world economy are the progressing globalization processes and the increasingly wider internationalization of economic activity. This causes, among others the growing importance of international trade, the need to search for new markets, supply sources, ways of delivering goods to recipients in the country and abroad, and the effective management of risks in international transactions. Foreign trade is carried out by concluding various types of transactions. A foreign trade transaction is a series of contracts, a set of agreements: the main (sale) contract and additional contracts that enable its implementation. Incoterms® International Commercial Rules are an important element of every trade agreement. The multitude of phenomena and practices, the constantly progressing decentralization of foreign trade, legal, cultural and linguistic differences have become the reason for the development of international standards in the field of transport, insurance, receipt and control of goods. Practices and regulations commonly used in international trade take the form of trade customs and rules (formulas). The most known and commonly used in commercial practice are the Incoterms® (International Commercial Terms) rules. They are designed to remove doubts that arise when carrying out international transactions.

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12 dni
790 zł/os.
  • 22.05.2024
  • 03.07.2024
  • 16.10.2024
  • 11.12.2024
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8 godz.




Cele i korzyści

The aim of the training is to familiarize participants with the basic issues in the field of foreign trade and international logistics as well as the tools used in commercial transactions. One of such tools widely used all over the world are the international Incoterms® rules. From January 1, 2020, it is available to entrepreneurs conducting international trade operations, available in the latest edition of Incoterms®2020 formulas.
These formulas define the obligations and costs incurred by the seller or the buyer depending on the sales base of the goods agreed in the foreign transaction between the parties.
For a better understanding and effective application of international trade rules, students will learn about the specifics of international transport logistics as well as insurance in international transport.

Practical exercises (case studies, calculations based on the description of individual export transactions, filling in the transport and forwarding documentation) will strengthen the acquired theoretical knowledge.

Program szkolenia

  1. International trade rules as part of a contract in international trade
  2. How are Incoterms® rules created and which institution is responsible for their updating?
  3. News and differences in the Incoterms®2020 version. Comparison to Incoterms® 2010
  • Correct selection of the rule
  • Updated Explanatory Notes to each rule
  • New „horizontal” arrangement of articles
  • Bills of lading with the note „on board” in FCA
  • Different levels of coverage in CIP (ICC A) and CIF (ICC C)
  • Changing of DAT rule to DPU and reordering these rules
  • Transportation by own means of transport in FCA, DAP, DPU and DDP
  • Clarification of the demarcation and relationship between the sales contract and ancillary contracts
  • The need to comply with the requirements of the SOLAS Convention (Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and the issue of Verified Gross Mass (VGM). Costs and obligations related to VGM
  • Costs and their location (A9 / B9 instead of A6 / B6)
  • Incorporation of safety-related requirements into the scope of transport and cost obligations (A4 / B4 and A9 / B9)
  1. Incoterms® 2020 and the sales contract (terms delivery, ownership, risk)
  2. Obligations of the seller and the buyer depending on the selling base
  3. The concept of transport authority and the main route of transport in Incoterms® rules
  4. Delivery, risk and costs in Incoterms® rules
  5. Insurance gesture in Incoterms® rules
  6. Analysis and discriotion of 11 Incoterms® 2020 rules and changes in individual rules, with particular emphasis on the division of duties, costs and risks between the seller and the buyer
  7. Detailed analysis of the interpretation of Incoterms®2020 commercial formulas

i. rules for all means and modes of transport: EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAP, DPU (comparison to the DAT rule in Incoterms®2010), DDP

ii. rules for sea and inland waterway transport: FAS, FOB, CFR, CIF

  1. Analysis of errors that may be made when applying the Incoterms® 2020 rules:
  • no information about the Incoterms® version;
  • negative consequences related to the failure to specify the delivery point;
  • incorrect application of FOB, CFR and CIF rules in container transport;
  • possible financial consequences as a result of misinterpretation of the rules C.
  1. Documents and information required from contracting parties in Incoterms® 2020.
  2. Incoterms® 2020 and the forwarding contract and the contract of carriage.
  3. Exercises

15. Answers to questions. Discussion.

Metody szkoleniowe

Form of conducting: Lecture, exercises, discussion


The training is intended for traders, logisticians, forwarders, specialists of customs agencies and companies running international transactions.



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  • Trener zastrzega sobie prawo do modyfikacji programu szkolenia wyłącznie w celu zapewnienia większych korzyści uczestnikom.

Cena i zapisy

Organizujemy również szkolenia in company, czyli na zamówienie. Nasz doradca bada wtedy potrzeby szkoleniowe firmy, a następnie przedstawia odpowiadającą na nie ofertę. Dzięki temu zakres tematyczny, forma zajęć, termin i lokalizacja takich szkoleń są dopasowane do tego, czego wymaga klient. Program jest zmodyfikowany do realiów biznesowych ze względu na rzeczywiste, zdiagnozowane w ramach analizy przedszkoleniowej oczekiwania i potrzeby.

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Mnóstwo korzyści
First Minute
30 dni wcześniej zarezerwuj miejsce na szkolenie otwarte na, dzięki temu automatycznie otrzymasz rabat: 50zł
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Nasze szkolenia to informacje z pierwszej ręki, Podane w rzetelny i praktyczny sposób, gotowa do wdrożenia w pracy.

Certyfikat ukończenia

Po zakończeniu szkolenia każdy z Uczestników otrzymuje imienny certyfikat potwierdzający nabyte umiejętności zgodnie z wdrożoną procedurą: PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 DEKRA

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